> 春节2024 > 英语我是冬天




我喜欢的季节是冬天。尽管很冷,但我喜欢在冬天里滑雪。这个时候,我可以穿上厚厚的棉袄和大外套,给自己保暖。滑雪不仅令人兴奋,还能欣赏到雪景的美丽。所以,用英语表达就是:\"My favorite season is winter. Although it\'s quite cold, I enjoy skiing during this time. I can put on my warm coat and thick jacket to keep myself cozy. Skiing is not only thrilling, but also allows me to appreciate the beauty of the snowy landscape.\"


我的家乡是哈尔滨,我出生在那里。哈尔滨是一个非常漂亮的城市,以冰雪景观而闻名。冬天是哈尔滨最迷人的季节。每年都有许多来自世界各地的旅客来参加哈尔滨国际冰雪节。这个节日给城市带来了欢乐和繁华。所以,我的家乡哈尔滨是个绝对值得一去的地方。英文翻译可以是:\"My hometown is Harbin, the city where I was born. It\'s a beautiful city known for its ice and snow landscapes. Winter is the most enchanting season in Harbin. Every year, many tourists from all over the world come to participate in the Harbin International Ice and Snow Festival. This festival brings joy and prosperity to the city. Therefore, my hometown Harbin is definitely a place worth visiting.\"

I,snowman,often,a,winter,in .连词成句?

翻译如下:\"I, snowman, often, in winter, make a snowman.\" (冬天,我经常堆雪人。)\"

为什么是winters are cold而不是winter is cold_沪江网校知识库

当我们谈论冬天是指它们一贯的特征,因此使用复数形式\"winters are cold\"。在多年的观察中,我们可以得出结论,冬季是寒冷的。例如:\"Although we still depict nostalgic snow scenes, we can\'t deny the fact that winters are often cold.\" (尽管我们仍然描绘怀旧的雪景,但我们不能否认冬季常常很寒冷的事实。) 通过多年的观察,我们可以看出冬季总体上是寒冷的。


在冬季,这个城市不仅寒冷,而且干燥。例如:\"In winter, this city is not only cold, but also dry.\" (冬季,这个城市不仅寒冷,还很干燥。) 这种干燥的冬季天气往往让人感觉皮肤干燥,容易出现静电等问题。


我认为正确的翻译应为:\"I stood and waited on the lonely street on a freezing night, next to the sparse branches.\" (我站在寒冷的夜晚孤寂的街道上,旁边是稀疏的枝条。) 需要补足\"stood\"和\"waited\"的动词,此外,这句话\"The street was deserted\"应该是地点状语。


我最喜欢冬天,因为它是一年中最美丽的季节。天气寒冷,有时还下雪,给人一种宁静和神秘的感觉。冬天的景色非常壮观,尤其是在雪后的阳光下。奇妙的冰晶和雪花让整个世界都变得美轮美奂。因此,冬天是个值得享受的季节。翻译如下:\"I like winter the most, as it is the most beautiful season of the year. The weather is cold and sometimes snowy, giving a sense of tranquility and mystery. The scenery of winter is breathtaking, particularly in the sunlight after snowfall. The marvelous ice crystals and snowflakes make the whole world enchanting. Therefore, winter is a season worth savoring.\"


实际上,\"在一个寒冷的冬天的早上\"可以用\"in\"或\"on\"都可以。通常在考试时会使用\"in\"。在这种情况下,可以用\"in a cold winter morning\"表达。




在冬天,成都的天气又冷又潮湿。1. 气温低;2. 风景名胜;3. 有点;4. 没有人;5. 充满/具有/拥有。