> 文章列表 > 你们家怎么过元宵的英文





In my family, we have a tradition of celebrating the Lantern Festival by eating rice balls. This traditional Chinese dessert comes in various fillings, but my favorite is the sesame filling. We gather around the dining table and enjoy these sweet treats together. It is a time of joy and laughter for all of us.

作文Lantern Festival的英语表述(初中水平,约100字,分三段)

The Lantern Festival, also known as Yuanxiao Festival, is celebrated on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month. It marks the first full moon of the year and is a significant occasion in Chinese culture. During this festival, people participate in various activities such as lantern shows, setting off firecrackers, and guessing riddles. It is a time of merriment and enjoyment for people of all ages.


The customs of the Lantern Festival can be translated into English as follows:
- Eating sweet dumplings: This refers to the tradition of enjoying rice balls during the festival.
- Lantern show: People gather to admire the beautifully decorated lanterns.
- Setting off firecrackers: It is common to ignite firecrackers during the Lantern Festival to create a festive atmosphere.
- Guessing riddles: Riddles are written on lanterns, and people try to solve them for fun and intellectual challenge.


The word \"元宵\" can be translated as \"rice glue ball\" or \"glue pudding.\" It refers to the delicious dessert made from glutinous rice.
The term \"元宵节\" is translated as \"the Lantern Festival.\" This is the official name for the festival.


The Lantern Festival has its origin in ancient China and is celebrated on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month. It is believed to have started during the Han Dynasty. This festival marks the end of the Spring Festival (Chinese New Year) celebrations and celebrates the first full moon of the year. Lanterns are lit and people gather to enjoy various activities, such as lantern shows, eating rice balls, and solving riddles written on lanterns.


The Spring Festival concludes on the day of the Lantern Festival, and it is customary to have sweet dumplings as part of the celebration. These delicious rice balls symbolize unity and togetherness. Family and friends come together to enjoy the festive atmosphere and indulge in these traditional treats.


1. On the occasion of the Lantern Festival, I wish you to have a merry song in your heart and a happy Lunar New Year!
2. During the Lantern Festival, families gather to enjoy the beautiful lantern displays and partake in the tradition of setting off firecrackers.
3. Eating sweet dumplings is a cherished custom during the Lantern Festival, symbolizing a sweet and joyful life.
4. Lantern shows are a highlight of the festival, with lanterns of various shapes and sizes illuminating the night sky.
5. The tradition of guessing riddles written on lanterns adds an element of fun and intellectual challenge to the Lantern Festival celebrations.
6. The Lantern Festival is a celebration of Chinese culture and traditions, fostering a sense of community and harmony.


The Lantern Festival, also known as Yuanxiao Festival, is a traditional Chinese festival celebrated on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month. It is considered one of the most important festivals in Chinese culture and has a history dating back to ancient times.